What is the minimum repayment requirement for my PayPal Working Capital cash advance?

Because your automatic repayments get deducted as a percentage of each PayPal sale, the amount you repay each day changes with your sales volume.

The more you sell, the more repayment progress you'll make that day. On days without sales, you'll make no payments, but there is a minimum repayment requirement every 90 days.

Depending on the cash advance terms you choose, you must pay at least 5% or 10% of your total cash advance amount (cash advance + the fixed fee) every 90 days.

The 5% minimum applies to a cash advance estimated to take 12 months or more to be repaid, based on your business' past PayPal sales and other factors. The 10% minimum applies to cash advances estimated to be repaid within 12 months.

For most of our customers, regular automatic repayments easily cover the minimum and this is never an issue. But if you get behind, you can make additional payments on the PayPal Working Capital website.

If you don't meet the minimum payment requirement and your cash advance goes into default, your entire balance could become due,  and limits could be placed on your PayPal account.

Please see Section 12 of the Terms and Conditions, "Account Terms", to learn more about default.

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