When is my income reported to the IRS?

Information provided by PayPal is not intended to be and should not be construed as tax advice. For questions about your specific tax situation, please consult a tax professional.

Under US tax laws, payment processors and payors of certain types of income are required to report information to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and/or applicable state revenue authorities on customers who are eligible for reporting and meet annual reporting thresholds. The tax form used to report the income and its associated reporting threshold will vary based on the type of income paid or processed. This includes but is not limited to the following: payments received for goods and services (Form 1099-K), earned interest (Form 1099-INT), cancellation of debt (Form 1099-C), and other miscellaneous income (Form 1099-MISC). As a courtesy for certain crypto transactions, PayPal also provides a Gains and Losses Statement and a Transaction Summary. For additional information, please consult a qualified tax preparer.

You can access your tax forms within your PayPal account around January 31 and your crypto statements around February 15. If you’re eligible, you'll receive an email notification once your tax forms are available.

Please go to the new PayPal Statements & Tax Center. Merchants, please go to your Tax Statement Page.

You won’t receive a tax form if you don’t meet the reporting requirements for the tax year.

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