How do I accept credit cards using guest checkout with PayPal Express Checkout?

Guest checkout gives payers the option to complete a purchase using a credit or debit card without having a PayPal account. To use guest checkout, you must: 

Here's how to enable guest checkout: 

  1. Log in to your account. 
  2. Select Account Settings > Website payments
  3. Next to Website preferences, select Update
  4. Under PayPal account optional, select On

Note: With an Express Checkout custom-coded solution, there is an additional step: 

  • Set SOLUTIONTYPE to Sole in your initial SetExpressCheckout API call
  • For SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole to work, you must have PayPal account optional set to On within the PayPal account settings
  • Many third-party carts provide an Enable Guest Checkout option in the administrative view of their checkout module





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