Request money in a few seconds.

Request money from anyone with an email address, and get paid quickly.

Request Money Now


Enter an email address and an amount.


Add a note that personalises and explains the request.


See the money go quickly in your account when it gets paid.

A friendly reminder.

Whether it’s for a job you did, an event you organized or a common present you paid for, by requesting money with PayPal you can get your friends and family to pay you back simply.

You can ask anyone.

Anyone with an email address can receive a money request, whether they have a PayPal account or not. Then they can pay you with their card or PayPal balance.

No cash, no cheques.

Anybody can send you money from their cards or PayPal balance. Your request is simply emailed and paid just as simply.

“You can request money and find out you have been paid in a blink of an eye, whether at home or out and about.”

You don’t pay until they do.

If you're selling goods or services, there's a small fee you pay only when you get paid. Currency conversion fees may apply.

More about fees

Your safety is our priority.

When you're requesting money with PayPal, your transactions are monitored 24/7 by our security specialists, who identify suspicious activity and help protect you.

More about security

24.9billion 24.9 billion transactions processed globally by PayPal in 2023*

No hidden costs, no surprises.

When you receive money with PayPal there are no hidden costs or processing fees. Currency conversion fees may apply. In addition, your card issuer may charge you separately.

More about fees

No need to wait.

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