How to Create Brand Loyalty with Customer Service

Feb 11, 2019 | PayPal editorial staff

Size does matter, but bigger doesn’t always mean better. What’s great about being a small business owner is that you can offer your customers something that your competitors cannot — a one-of-a-kind, personalized customer service experience.
Excellent customer service creates brand loyalty and repeat customers. Repeat customers spend more than new customers. Plus, it’s almost ten times more expensive to try to attract new customers than it is to keep the ones who already doing business with you. Use these 7 tips to help you create brand loyalty with customer service.
1. Share your values
Consumers want to support a company with good values. To build a strong relationship with your customers, the brand values of your business has to align with their personal values. If you want loyal customers, you need to tell them what your brand stands for and what your intentions are. Share your brand values on your website, through blog posts, videos and in your social media messages.
2. Be transparent
You don’t have to as far as posting monthly income statements, however showing clients or customers how you do business creates a sense of transparency and trust. Post behind-the-scenes photos of your business and the people you work with, blog about a business failure that you overcame, share the cost of materials or where the money goes when a product is purchased. Of course, don’t share all your business, but when you’re transparent as much as you can be, your customers are more likely to trust you and do business with you.
3. Keep your team updated
Assign a member of your team to your most profitable customers. If you have frontline staff, make sure they have all the resources they need to serve customers and are well-informed about the status of backorders, shipping, delivery, refunds, etc. Your team is an extension of you and your small business, so keeping them updated will go a long way in creating brand loyalty with customer service.
4. Implement a loyalty program
My coffee tastes that much sweeter when it’s “paid for” with points. And I actually look forward to grocery shopping when I know my loyalty card is footing the bill. A loyalty program is an investment for your small business but it doesn't have to break the bank and would be a great way to create brand loyalty with customer service. Even the smallest token shows the type of appreciation customers are seeking from you.
5. Own your mistakes
When your customers love you and they write in to tell you, it’s the greatest feeling in the world! All of your hard work feels worthwhile. You’ll probably be quick as a whip in responding, too. But when a negative comment comes in (and they surely will), don’t make the ugly mistake of ignoring it. Own your mistakes. Respond to all customer comments and hold yourself accountable by instituting a response-time agreement (such as 24 hours). Find solutions to problems, ensure timely resolutions and apologize for inconveniences. By owning your mistakes, quickly responding to your customers and resolving complaints, you can lessen the sting of a bad situation and delight them during a good situation.
6. Ask for feedback
The best way to know what your customers are thinking is to just ask them. Start conversations with your customers by asking for their feedback. Give them an opportunity to share their thoughts on what you’re delivering and listen to how they’re responding. Asking for feedback is also a great way to do market research or to test an idea before you put in a lot of hard work into making it. Opening up a two-way dialogue gives you the chance to hear directly from your customers and creates a real sense of community.
7. Cut back on too much technology
It’s easy to get caught up with emails, text messages, direct messages, and social media captions. But to create brand loyalty with customer service, you’ll still want to provide that human connection with your customers and offer opportunities to meet face-to-face. Invite them to a customer appreciation event, have a lunch-and-learn session or video conference your next meeting. Having more face time with your customers will go a long way in creating brand loyalty.
These tips will help you create loyal customers who will be happy to frequent your business for many years to come. How will you create brand loyalty with customer service?
The contents of this PayPal site are provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent, professional accounting, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.

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