Are there fees for Seller Profiles?

Seller Profile doesn't have a fee, but you'll pay the standard fee for each Goods and Services transaction. For additional information on fees, refer to our site for more information.

What are the advantages of using a Seller Profile over a Personal Profile?
As a small business owner, you want to do everything you can to protect your business. By using a Seller Profile, you’re eligible for Seller Protection. You can also link your social media channels to your Seller Profile.

Can the buyers pay the fees?
No. We always charge Seller Profile transactions to the seller. For additional information on fees, refer to our site for more information.

What are Goods and Services transactions?

  • Goods – payment type when you're paying for an item/product.
  • Services – payment type when your purchase isn’t a product but a service (for example, work performed for you by someone else).

Can I get a refund for the fee?
No. We don’t include the Goods and Services fee when you issue a payment refund.

When will I start being charged fees?
The fee will be a part of Seller Profile transactions from the start. For additional information on fees, refer to our site for more information.

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